It has been said that most, people hate to speak in public. Rarely do you find someone who is good at it. Our last community meeting was no exception. The speakers tended to drag on about seemingly random thoughts. It was bordering on torture to listen too. This is an all too … [Read more...]
Some People You Just Can’t Reach
I often wonder when you should just give up trying to convince someone that your point of view is correct. The case that I am interested in is when the facts are so overwhelming that to not agree is just being stubborn. I know some people enjoy the debate of even an obvious idea … [Read more...]
The Startup Trinity
Every startup has to deal with the trinity. None can escape it. Not knowing how to properly handle the trinity will lead to a dead idea. Most startups might get one or two right. These ideas end up dying on the vine. The successful funded ideas hit all three out of the … [Read more...]
The “L” Word
It's funny how people perceive things. During the last recession (2001-2002), being laid off meant something different than it means today. Back then, lay-offs were mostly in the technology sector due to the huge Internet bubble. Today, it seems that no industry is left … [Read more...]